
- Galina M. Podgornyh
- Chief librarian
- +7 (342) 212–09–81, +7 (342) 238–63–92
The library of PSHPU is one of the largest libraries in Ural.The library stock numbers over800 000 printed titles. It is formed by acquiring documents in compliance with educational programmes, syllabuses, course outline sand subject-matters of research studies. The stock offers a wide variety of literary works. It contains educational materials, courseware, scientific literature and belles-lettres in Russian as well as in English. The library of PSHPU also houses Russian and foreign periodicals, electronic editions and rare books.
Presently the library consists of 5 circulation departments and 2 reading rooms for 220 seats. It has over 8500 members. The annual number of library visitsamountsto380 000 and its loan is more than 700 000 printed pages.