About the University
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
“Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University” (PSHPU)
Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University is one of the oldest higher education establishments in the Ural region (founded in 1921). In the not so distant future the university will be celebrating its 100th anniversary. Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University is one of the leading universities in international Education. The university is situated on the very boarder-line between Europe andAsia and therefore has strong connections with both European and Asian world-leading educators. Today the university is an educational, cultural and scientific centre of theWestern Urals. Over 7,000 students study here annually. Students receive degrees in more than 30 professional spheres.
The environment created in our university drastically differs from the other higher education establishments. Our priority is to create an environment in which students will be able to discover their potential.
Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University represents a full-featured campus in the city centre. The campus comprises more than 20 structures which include academic and economic buildings, halls of residence, sports centers and scientific stations. The foundation of the University is made up of 4 academic buildings with 13 faculties. Each faculty of PSHPU has its own educational and laboratory resources as well as economic infrastructures. The main buildings of the University are situated in the centre of Perm, near the junction of Pushkin Street with Sibirskaya and 25th of October Streets. In total, there are 164 classrooms and 16 computer labs at the disposal of the University.
Each building of the University is provided with multimedia equipment for studies in sectional and inline lecture-rooms. A teaching process is organized with the help of slide decks and other aids which make learning materials more convenient for perception. All buildings are joined into the virtual private network (VPN) of the University. Besides, the implemented WiFi system ensures that students have the opportunity to work in the Web.
The University provides a wide range of creative and sport activities. PSHPU possesses 12 gymnasiums. 2 gym halls for gymnastics and table tennis are situated in the second building. And there is an entire sports and recreation centre in the fourth building. In addition, student hostel number 4 (25th of OctoberSt., 37) is home to 4 gyms and two of them are meant for body-building.
Foreign residents enrolled into PSHPU are provided with a comfortable dormitory.
Our curriculum for international students places a special emphasis on social sciences as they already have ample foundation for further development. For example, for several years the Philological Faculty has been offering courses for English speaking students from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland). It is important and prestigious because a lot of students from Edinburgh, while choosing between Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Perm, finally opt in favour of Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University as their place of learning the Russian language, thus testifying to the high quality of education in our university.
The language studies component is particularly strong at the university. This is precisely why we provide intensive Russian courses to foreign residents. The duration of the language course is one year. The programme of the course is designed for the study of Russian from scratch. Such courses are in high demand as the language gap is becoming a serious obstacle for students from abroad.
The teaching staff of the university includes: 68 full professors; 294 associate professors; one member of the Russian Academy of Education; 5 members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; 4 members of the Russian and International Public Academies; 20 honoured workers of the Russian Federation; 125 holders of state awards and prizes; over 60% of teachers have a doctor’s degree.
Following the idea of furthering international education worldwide Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University understands the necessity of training fully international educators capable of teaching worldwide.
To this end the university has established strong co-operative relations with The International Baccalaureate, which is a non-governmental organization with worldwide operations which was constituted in 1968 as a Swiss foundation having its registered office in Geneva, Switzerland.
Our first and foremost priority is to create the environment with open opportunities and conditions in which every student regardless of nationality and religion will be able to realize his or her potential in science, sports, political or any other constructive activity.