Schools of Pedagogy

1. 030000 Humane studies Cycle

SchoolofPedagogy: “Cross-cultural and Socio-psychological Aspects of Modern Educational and Health-improving Technologies”

Supervisor: Alersandr A. Vikhman, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Experimental Psychology

2.  040000 Social Studies Cycle

SchoolofPedagogy:  “CompetencyBuildingApproach in Specialization Training for the Organization of Youth Outreach: Content, Technologies, Diagnostics”

Supervisor: Anna I. Sannikova, Doctor of Education, Professor of the Chair of Social Pedagogy, Prorector for Quality Management of PSHPU Education

3. 050000 Education and Pedagogy Cycle

SchoolofPedagogy: “Anthropocentric Studies of Modern Educational Paradigm”

Supervisor: Konstantin E. Bezukladnokov, Doctor of Education, Professor, Head of the Chair of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages

4. 070000 Musical Arts Cycle

SchoolofPedagogy: “Pedagogy of Musical Art”

Supervisor: Vladimir I. Adishchev, Doctor of Education, Professor, Head of the Chair of Musicology and Musical Pedagogy

5. 080000Economics and Management Cycle

SchoolofPedagogy: “Pedagogy of Modern Management”

Supervisor: Vladimir V. Ryabuhin, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics

6. 100000 Services Sector Cycle

SchoolofPedagogy: “Technologies of Tourism and Recreational Service inPermKrai”

Supervisors: Mansur G. Ishmuhametov, Doctor of Education, Professor of the Chair of Theoretical Basics and Methods of Physical Training, Sergei A. Shevyrin, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of Theoretical Basics and Methods of Physical Training

7. 230000 Computer and Information Sciences Cycle

SchoolofPedagogy: “Computer Science and Information Technologies: General Issues of Training Theory and Practice”

Supervisor: Aleksandr P. Shestakov, Doctor of Education, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Computer and Information Sciences

8. 260000 Food and Consumer Goods Technology Cycle

SchoolofPedagogy: “Professional Environment of the University as the Condition of Realization of theCompetencyBuildingApproach in Training of Manufacturing Technicians”

Supervisor: Tatyana V. Nikonova, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of Manual Training and Methodology of Manual Training Lessons