Evgeny A. Eremin

I have been working at Perm State Pedagogical University since 1977 (after graduating from this institution). At first I taught physics and numeric methods, but from 1985 turned "bit by bit" to the courses, concerned with computers and informatics.

My primary and favorite interest is software development, chiefly for educational purposes. I began to work with computing machinery in 1974. Since then I developed various programs and I hope the best of them function and are appreciated. For example, my educational Pascal compiler "ComPas", which was accepted by the famous Internet Software Library ZDNet in 1999, has been registered in many countries worldwide.

Later I began to distribute English versions of my software via the Internet and to present them at the international conferences. For example, my educational software "System Builder" was presented on the international conference ITiCSE 2000 in Helsinki (Finland), and compiler for MMIX model of RISC-processor - on VI Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling).

I have several publications in international journals - "Information Theories and Applications" and "Information Technologies and Knowledge".

After 2008 I'm interesting in the problems, connected with computer representation of knowledge. To study relationships between the terms which students had formed after learning some discipline, I developed the original experimental method for estimation of knowledge integrity. I'll be happy if you'll take a look at my related publications available in the Internet:
